ablutophobia - bathing, washing
acarophobia - 1. itching 2. mite or tick infestation, biting insects
acerophobia - sourness
achluophobia - the dark
acidophobia - inability to accommodate acid soils
acousticophobia, acoustophobia - noises, sound
acrophobia - heights
aerophobia - 1. flying 2. draughts, winds, gasses, airborne noxious influences
agaraphobia - being grabbed
agoraphobia - wide open spaces, public places
agyiophobia - crossing busy streets
aichmophobia - needles, pointed objects
ailurophobia, aelurophobia - cats
akousticophobia - noises
albuminurophobia - albumin in one's urine
alektorophobia - chickens
algophobia - pain
amathophobia - dust
amaxophobia - riding in vehicles
ambulophobia - walking
amychophobia - scratches
androphobia - men
anemophobia - draughts, winds
anginaphobia - narrowness
anginophobia - 1. choking 2. angina pectoris
Anglophobia - the English
ankylophobia - stiff joints
anophelophobia - hurting the woman during sex
anthophobia - flowers
anthropophobia - humans, meeting people, society
antlophobia - flooding, floods
anuptophobia - stying single
apeirophobia - infinity
aphephobia - touching, being touched
apiphobia, apiophobia - bees
aquaphobia - water, drowning
arachibutyrophobia - peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
arachnophobia, arachnephobia, arachniphobia, arachnaphobia - spiders
asthenophobia - weakness
astraphobia, astrapophobia - lightning
astrophobia - the stars
ataxiophobia, ataxiphobia - disorder
atelophobia - imperfection
atephobia - ruin
atychiphobia - failure
aulophobia - flutes
aurophobia - gold
auroraphobia - auroral lights
Australophobia - Australia
automysophobia - being dirty
autophobia - 1. being alone, solitude 2. oneself
babushkaphobia - a woman's aversion to her grandchildren
bacillophobia - germs
bacteriophobia - bacteria
ballistophobia - bullets, missiles, being shot
bargainophobia - department store bargain sales
barophobia - gravity
basiphobia - walking
basophobia - falling
bathmophobia - walking
bathophobia - bathing
bathophobia - depth
batophobia - heights, being close to high buildings, high objects
batrachophobia - frogs and toads
belonophobia - needles
bibliophobia - books
blennophobia - slime
bolshephobia - Bolshevism
bromhidrosiphobia, bromhidrosophobia - body odours
brontophobia - thunder, thunderstorms
cainophobia, cainotophobia - body odours
cancerophobia - cancer
carcinomatophobia, carcinophobia - cancer
cardiophobia - heart disease
carnophobia - meat
catagelophobia - ridicule
cathisophobia - sitting down
catoptrophobia - mirrors
Celtophobia - the Celts
cenophobia - empty rooms, voids
ceraunophobia - thunder and lightning
chaetophobia - hair
cheimaphobia - the cold
chemophobia - chemical products
cherophobia - gaiety
chionophobia - snow
cholerophobia - cholera
chorophobia - dancing
chrematophobia - money
chrometophobia - money
chromophobia, chromatophobia - colours
chronophobia - duration
chthonophobia - eating dirt
cibophobia - food
claustrophobia - cofined spaces
cleisiophobia - confined spaces
cleptophobia - stealing
climacophobia - falling down stairs
clinophobia - going to bed
clithrophobia - confined spaces
cnidophobia - stings
coitophobia - sexual intercourse
colourphobia - Negros
cometophobia - comets
computerphobia - computers
coprophobia - poopy, faeces
cremnophobia - precipices
cringophobia - Latin America, Spain, etc.
cryophobia - ice, frost
crystallophobia - glass
cyberphobia - computers
cymophobia - sea swell
cynophobia - 1. dogs 2. rabies, pseudorabies
cypridophobia - 1. sex 2. venereal disease
cyprinophobia - lewd women
cypriphobia - 1. venereal disease 2. prostitutes
deipnophobia - dinner, dinner conversation
dementophobia - insanity
demonophobia - demons, devils
demophobia - people, crowds
dendrophobia - trees
dermatophobia - skin, skin diseases
dermatosiophobia - skin diseases
dextrophobia - things on the right
diabetophobia - diabetes
didaskaleinophobia - school
dikephobia - justice
dinophobia - 1. whirlpools 2. dizziness
diplopiaphobia - double vision
dipsophobia - drinking
dishabilophobia - undressing in front of others
domatophobia - home, being house-bound
doraphobia - fur, pelts
dromophobia - crossing busy streets
dysmorphophobia - deformity, esp. in others
dystychiphobia - accidents
easiophobia - writing
ecclesiophobia - churches
ecophobia - home, being house-bound
eisoptrophobia - mirrors ??
electrophobia - electricity
eleutherophobia - freedom
elurophobia - cats
emetophobia - vomiting
enissophobia - being reproached
enosiophobia - having committed an unpardonable sin
entomophobia - insects
eosophobia - the dawn
equinophobia - horses
eremiophobia, eremophobia - being alone, solitude
eremiophobia - stillness
ereuthophobia - blushing
ergasiophobia - work, functioning
ergophobia - work
erotophobia - sexual feelings
erythrophobia - red lights
esodophobia - one's first sexual act
eurotophobia - female genitals
febriphobia - fevers
felinophobia, felineophobia - cats
fleaphobia - fleas
francophobia - the French
friggaphobia - Fridays
frigophobia - the cold
galeophobia - 1. sharks 2. cats?
gallophobia - the French
gamophobia - marriage
gatophobia - cats
genophobia - sex
genuphobia - knees
gephyrophobia - crossing bridges
gerascophobia - growing old
germanophobia - the Germans
geumophobia - tastes or flavours
glossophobia - speaking
graphophobia - writing
gymnophobia - nudity, naked people
gynophobia - women
hadephobia - hell
haemaphobia, haematophobia, haemophobia, hemaphobia, hematophobia, hemophobia - blood
hagiophobia - saints, holy things
hamartophobia - sins, sinning
haphephobia, haptephobia - touching, being touched
harpaxophobia - thieves, being robbed
hedonophobia - pleasure
heliophobia - sunlight
helminthophobia - worms
herpetophobia - lizards, reptiles
hierophobia - sacred things
hippophobia - horses
hodophobia - 1. the road 2. travelling
homichlophobia - fog
homilophobia - sermons
homophobia - homosexuals, homosexuality
hormephobia - shock
hyalophobia, hyelophobia - glass
hydrophobia - water, drinking water
hydrophobophobia - rabies
hygrophobia - liquids, dampness, moisture
hylephobia - 1. wood 2. materialism
hylophobia - forests
hypegiaphobia ?, hypengyophobia - responsibility
hypnophobia - sleep
hypophobia - lack of fear
hypsiphobia, hypsophobia - heights
iatrophobia - doctors
ichthyophobia - fish
ideophobia - ideas
iophobia - 1. poison, being poisoned 2. rust?
isopterophobia - termites
ithyphallophobia - erect penises
judaeophobia, judophobia - the Jews
kainophobia, kainotophobia - anything new, novelty, change
kakorraphiaphobia, kakorraphiophobia - failure
katagelophobia - ridicule
kathisophobia - sitting down
kenophobia - empty rooms, voids
keraunophobia - lightning and thunder
kinesophobia - movement
kleptophobia - thieves, being robbed
kolpophobia - 1. sex 2. female genitals
kopophobia - exhaustion, fatigue
kynophobia - pseudorabies
kyphophobia - stooping
laliophobia, lalophobia - speaking
lepraphobia, leprophobia - leprosy
levophobia - objects to the left
ligyrophobia - loud noises
lilapsophobia - tornados
limnophobia - lakes
linonophobia - string
logophobia - 1. words 2. speech 3. study
lygophobia - darkness
lyssophobia - 1. insanity 2. rabies
macrophobia - long waits
maieusiophobia - childbirth, pregnancy
malaxophobia - having the breast kneaded
maniaphobia - insanity
mastigophobia - punishment, flogging
mechanophobia - machines
medecophobia - having erection showing though pants
medomalacophobia - losing erection during sex
medorthophobia - erect penises
megalophobia - large things
melissophobia - bees
melophobia - music
meningitophobia - meningitis
menophobia - menstruation, the onset of the menses
merinthophobia - being bound
metallophobia - metals
meteorophobia - meteors
metrophobia - poetry
microbiophobia, - micro-organisms
microphobia - small objects
mikrophobia - germs
misophobia - dirt, dirtiness
molysmophobia - infection, contamination, dirt
monopathophobia - illness in a partic. part of the body
monophobia - 1. being alone, solitude 2. one thing
motorphobia - motor vehicles
muriphobia - mice
musicophobia - music
musophobia - mice
myrmecophobia - ants
mysophobia - 1. dirt, filth 2. contamination
mythophobia - 1. lying 2. myths, stories
nasophobia - disease
nebulaphobia - fog
necrophobia - death, corpses
Negrophobia - Negroes
neophobia - anything new, novelty, change
nephophobia - clouds
noctiphobia - night
nomatophobia - names
nosemaphobia - illness
nosophobia - illness, disease
novercaphobia - stepmother
nucleomitiphobia - nuclear bombs
nudiphobia, nudophobia - nudity
numerophobia - numbers
nyctophobia, nyctiophobia - night, the dark
ochlophobia - crowds
ochophobia - vehicles
odontophobia - teeth, esp. animal teeth
odynophobia - pain
oecophobia - home, being house-bound
oenophobia, enophobia - wine
oikophobia - home, being house-bound
olfactophobia - smells, odours
ombrophobia - rain
ommatophobia - eyes
oneirogmophobia - wet dreams
oneirophobia - dreams
onomatophobia - a certain word or name
ophiophobia, ophidiophobia - snakes
ophthalmophobia - being stared at, being seen
optophobia - closing one's eyes
ornithophobia - birds
orthophobia - propriety
osmophobia - smells, odours
osphresiophobia - body odours
ouranophobia - heaven
paedophobia - 1. dolls 2. children
pamphobia - everything, general anxiety
panophobia, panphobia, pantophobia - everything, general anxiety
panthophobia - suffering, disease
papaphobia - the Pope, papacy
paralipophobia - neglect of duty
parasitophobia - parasites
pareunophobia - sex
parthenophobia - virgins, girls
pathophobia - disease
patriophobia - heredity
peccatiphobia - having committed an imaginary crime
peccatophobia - sins, sinning
pediculophobia - lice
pedophobia?, pediophobia - 1. dolls 2. children
peladophobia - baldness
pellagraphobia - pellagra
peniaphobia - poverty
pentheraphobia - mother-in-law
phagophobia - eating, swallowing
phallophobia - erect penises
pharmacophobia - drugs, medicine
phasmophobia - ghosts, spirits, phantoms
phengophobia - daylight
philemaphobia, philematophobia - kissing
philophobia - being in love, loving
philosophobia - philosophy, philosophers
phobophobia - fear
phonophobia - speaking aloud
photalgiophobia - photalgia
photophobia - light
phronemophobia - thinking
phthiriophobia - 1. parasites 2. lice
phthisiophobia - tuberculosis
placophobia - tombstones
pluviophobia - rain
pnigerophobia - smothering
pnigophobia - choking, esp. during sleep
pogonophobia - beards
poinephobia - punishment
politicophobia - politicians
polyphobia - many things
ponophobia - work, fatigue ?
potamophobia - rivers
potophobia - drinks
primosodophobia - one's first sexual act
proctophobia - 1. rectal disease 2 the anus, esp. in sex
prosophobia - progress
proteinphobia - protein foods
psellismophobia - stuttering
psychophobia - the mind
psychrophobia - the cold
pteronophobia - 1. being tickled with a feather 2. feathers
pyrexiophobia - fevers
pyrophobia - fire
rhabdophobia - 1. being punished, being severely criticised, 2. the rod
rhypophobia - dirt, filth
rhytiphobia - wrinkles
rupophobia - dirt, filth
russophobia - russia, the Russians
santaclaustrophobia - Christmas time
sarmassophobia - love play, amorous touching
satanophobia - satan
scabiophobia - 1. scabies 2. itching
scholionophobia - school
sciophobia - shadows
scoleciphobia - worms
scopophobia - being stared at or looked at, being seen
scotophobia - the dark
selaphobia - flashes
septophobia - decaying matter
sexophobia - sex, anything sexual
siderodromophobia - trains
siderophobia - the stars
sinophobia - the Chinese
sitophobia, sitiophobia - eating, food
soceraphobia - parents-in-law
sociophobia, socialphobia - society, friendship
sophophobia - learning
spectrophobia - looking in a mirror
spermatophobia, spermophobia - semen
spheksophobia - wasps
stasibasiphobia - standing up and walking
stasiphobia - standing
staurophobia - cross, crucifix
stygiophobia - hell
symbolophobia - symbolism
symmetrophobia - symmetry
syngenesophobia - relatives
syphiliphobia, syphiliophobia, syphilophobia - syphilis
tabophobia - wasting disease
tachophobia - speed
taeniophobia - tapeworms
taphephobia - cemeteries, graves
taphiphobia - death
taphophobia, taphaphobia - being buried alive
tapinophobia - being contagious
technophobia - arts and crafts
teleophobia - 1. definite plans 2. religious ceremony
telephonophobia - telephones
teratophobia - bearing a deformed child
teutophobia - the Germans
thalassophobia - the sea
thanatophobia - death, dying
thassophobia - sitting?, sitting idle
theatrophobia - theatres
thermophobia - heat
tocophobia - childbirth
tomophobia - surgery
tonitophobia, tonitruphobia, tonitrophobia - thunder
topophobia - certain places
toxicophobia, toxiphobia - poison
traumatophobia - 1. injury 2. war
tremophobia - trembling
trichinophobia, trichophobia - trichinosis
trichophobia - hair
tridecaphobia, triskaidekaphobia, triskadekaphobia - the number 13
tropophobia - making changes
trypanophobia - inoculations, injections
tuberculophobia - tuberculosis
tyrannophobia - tyrants
uranophobia - 1. heaven 2. homosexuals, homosexuality
vaccinophobia - vaccines, vaccination
venereophobia - venereal disease
venustaphobia - beautiful women
verbophobia - words
vermophobia - worms
virgivitiphobia - rape
vitricophobia - stepfather
xenophobia - foreigners, strangers
xerophobia - dryness, deserts
xylophobia - wood, forests
zelophobia - jealousy
zenophobia - foreigners, strangers
zoophobia - animals